AWW Issue 222 March/April 2022


Table of Contents


Wooden Puzzle 12 Introduction – Four Quarters Puzzles
by Richard Collins
As shown in the photograph this puzzle is adaptable to a variety of shapes. The only requirement is that the four quarters meet at the centre of the puzzle and have a 90° angle at that point.

Club Drumbeat
The Lakes Entrance Men’s Shed (VIC) has a focus on recycling items and materials with the leftover wood turned into saleable kindling; Gunnedah Woodturners Association Inc (NSW) has male and female members from 25 to 93 years of age; and Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Mens Shed (WA) processes large timber stock with a 5m bandsaw mill and a 1000mm thicknesser.

Protein Glue & Wood
by Paul Gregson, Associate Editor
Following on from last issue’s article on protein glues, Paul adds some tips he has acquired during his long experience with these versatile adhesives.

The Shinema – Taking the Shed to the Community
Chapman Valley Menshed (WA) has taken its community involvement out of the shed and into surrounding districts with its Shinema (Shed plus cinema) bus, providing outdoor cinema-style film screenings in rural towns.

Graham Hills has made a selection of wooden geared clocks as well as treasure chests and a harp.

Tool Sharpening – Preparing to Sharpen
by Mitch McDermott, Japanese Tools Australia
While Mitch has a preference for Japanese waterstones, there are other tools involved and alternatives. Mitch discusses how the tools work and what you are seeking to achieve with your hand-sharpening efforts.

HNT Gordon Subscriber Giveaway
HNT Gordon have donated one of their innovative bench Tail Vices and one of their Flat Sole Spoke Shaves as subscriber giveaways.


Double-ended Hollow and Pierced Vases
by Bob Aitken
Having made a number of hollow pierced vases, Bob decided to make double-ended versions using a single blank, in some instances adding an inlaid zipper, a process he described in AWW #207 October 2019.

Inlaid Jewellery Boxes
by Lance Winter
Having made a number of wooden clamp designs which have appeared in AWW, Lance chose to develop a system for making small wooden boxes with inlaid tops. He now sells some of them at a local market.

Woodturning Tips
by George Hatfield (Associate Editor)
George continues this series of articles with a discussion of skewing a bead and the appropriate selection of the small detail gouge in terms of size and flute design.

A 21st Century Shaker Maker
with Gary Beck
Inspired by the simple elegant lines of Shaker furnishings, Gary Beck has made a number of Shaker-style pieces and has developed a Shaker candlestand project which is now produced in numbers by his local Shed. Gary details how to make your own candlestand.

Another Mechanised Hour Glass Clock
by Newton Williams
The third in a series of projects, this clock rotates on the quarter hour instead of the full hour. The level of the sand gives an indication of the minutes that have passed since the quarter hour. Newton used a different motor/gearbox combination and new electronics for this project.

Using a 4th Axis for CNC Machining
by Geoff Roy
CNC machines with more than three axes in operation are typically outside the budget and skills of the hobbyist woodworker. However, a fourth axis can be added to a basic 3-axis machine at an affordable cost. Geoff discusses what is involved in terms of set-up and operation, and makes a candlestick to demonstrate the added versatility.

Jackalope Moon
by Carolyn McCully
Carolyn transforms a platter made from a pale light-grained wood into an eye-catching piece with her design based on the Jackalope – a legendary horned hare. The design combines a variety of elements and textures and is enhanced by a white Iris and a copper-coloured moon.

Wooden Puzzle 11- Tangled Rectangles
by Richard Collins
The Tangled Rectangles are one of Richard’s favourite puzzles to date. The assembled puzzle is aesthetically pleasing due to the joinery and tight-fitting joints involved. It is not too difficult to solve but careful adherence to tolerances during its construction is essential.

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AWW Issue 222 March/April 2022
AWW Issue 222 March/April 2022