AWW Issue 229 May/June 2023


Table of Contents


David Flintoff’s wooden models of a 1930 Ford Model A Roadsters and a Western Star truck with water drilling rig.

2023 Wooden Boat Festival
The first Festival since a hiatus caused by COVID, this year’s event was a great success. Hobart’s biennial Wooden Boat Festival started in 2001.

Fiddes and Sons
Now a world-leading manufacturer of a wide range of traditional and modern sustainable wood finishing products, Fiddes and Sons can trace its history back four generations over 100 years.

Wooden Dinghies … Too Pretty to be Fast?
by Ross Venner
Having been overshadowed by fibreglass vessels since the 1970s, wooden dinghies are re-emerging in dinghy racing, making use of new developments in products and construction methods.

Club Drumbeat
Gidgegannup Men’s Shed (WA) has an active timber milling programme; South Burnett Woodcrafters (QLD) renovated Q-Rail buildings for their group and Eastern Woodturners (VIC) operate from premises in the Mont De Lancey Historic Homestead.

Carroll’s Woodcraft Supplies
by Jim Carroll and Irene Brook
Started in 1995, Carroll’s Woodcraft Supplies continues to be a leading retailer nationally of woodworking machinery, hand tools and craft supplies.

Carving a Way Through COVID
by Judi Docen
Carving timber offcuts into seals and walruses provided Judi with a relaxing and rewarding pasttime during the COVID lockdowns.

The Story of Karadi (Tas)
The Karadi Men’s Shed specifically caters for the needs of Aboriginal men within the city of Glenorchy in the Greater Hobart region.

TopVeneer – From Start to ‘Finish’
The story of TopVeneer and its expanding veneers range.


Wooden Puzzle 19 Introduction – The Conic Section Puzzle
by Richard Collins
Richard’s last puzzle in this series is one he now considers to be his favourite. It is based on the four conic curves – circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola – and has no internal magnets or external veneer in its construction.

Why are Epoxies Different? (Pt.1)
by Dave Giddings
The wrong choice of an epoxy can lead to poor results as well as the risk of damage to the project and serious health conditions. Dave explains why there are big differences between epoxies and how the appropriate choice of product is essential for a successful outcome.

Turning a Christmas Decoration
by Georgie Crossley
Turning hanging Christmas ornaments can be a lot of fun and good practice at spindle turning.

V-grooves Not Trenches
by Mike Darlow
Mike discusses the usefulness of optimising the sequence of tool use in turning axially-grained workpieces and the importance of V-cutting to that sequence.

Christmas Angel
by George Hatfield
George turns a stylised Christmas angel that incorporates four separate wooden components.

Turning a Curved Wine Bottle Stand
by John D Stefano
John uses his free turning software available on the Internet to design and produce three bottle stands from a segmented wooden ring.

Electric Wooden Perpetual Calendar
by Geoff Roy
This automatic perpetual calendar is a combination of woodworking and electronics.

Boxed Window Pelmets
by Peter Kornek
While not your average woodworking project, the construction of energy-saving wooden window pelmets is within the abilities of most woodworkers.

Life is a Game: Roll With It
by Carolyn McCully
Carolyn’s latest pyrography piece will interest boardgamers and dice collectors, and would make an attractive wall hanging or a decoration for the game room. In spite of its relatively simple appearance it offers a number of uncommon challenges for the pyrographer.

Wooden Puzzle 18 – The Wooden Cross Puzzle Revisited
by Richard Collins
Having started the series with Yoshigara’s Wooden Cross Puzzle, Richard revisits the puzzle and applies the knowledge he has developed during the series, to produce new versions of construction and locking.

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AWW Issue 229 May/June 2023
AWW Issue 229 May/June 2023