210x 297mm
Published by Acceptable Standards of Construction Committee (NSW)
ISBN 978-0-646-52964-6
Extract from inside front cover of book:
Use and Scope of this Handbook
The scope of this handbook is limited to acceptable construction for conventional, medium density housing up to three storey walk-up apartments. This edition lists some of the major pre-construction, regulatory and design issues that affect such projects. A limited set of details and construction methods have been selected.
The content does not necessarily represent minimum standards but instead, a standard that is thought by the Committee to meet typical expectations. Building designers will need to determine which details best meet the needs of each individual medium density housing project.
It is not intended that this handbook limit responsible problem solving by professionals and tradespeople in the building industry. New or alternative materials and construction methods not dealt with in this handbook may be used, provided that they meet the Building Code of Australia (BCA) compliance as well as the needs of approval authorities and lending authorities.
Appendices include a list of relevant Australian Standards and relevant clauses from the BCA are referenced throughout the document. In general, readers should check that all references to such documents are current and correct.
Illustrations: Black & White
Units of Measurement: Metric
1 Gaining Approval Under the Building Code of Australia
2 Fire and Sound Requirements
3 Contaminated Building Sites
4 Construction Waste Management
5 Erosion and Sedimentation Control
6 Flood Prone Land
7 Tanking
8 Stormwater Management
9 Reinforced Concrete
10 Retaining Walls
11 Vapour Barriers and Damp-Proof Membranes
12 Freeboard for the Building
13 Damp-Proof Courses
14 Movement Joints in Buildings
15 Balcony Flashings
16 Cavity Wall Construction
17 Roof Framing
18 Guttering
19 External Waterproofing Membranes
20 Cement Rendering
21 Internal Plasterboard Linings
22 Painting
23 Flashings
24 Internal Wet Areas
25 Landscaping
26 Documents Required By The Principal
27 Dilapidation Survey
28 Final Review Prior to Practical Completion
29 Acronyms
30 List of Details