
This unique book, now in its fourth re-print, provides practical information about the use of wood for woodworking.

It was originally released as a collection of the Woodie’s Guide To Woods articles from The Australian Woodworker magazine.

Compiled in a ring binder format, further additions could be added to it over time.
Each page dedicated to a timber species contains a colour plate and detailed notes about the working properties of the timber.

In his illustrated introduction, the late Les Miller (one of Australia’s best know woodworking demonstrators, and Associate Editor of The Australian Woodworker) provides important information on how the characteristics of wood are determined by the way trees grow and the methods used to convert logs into sawn timber.

The species notes are written by Jeff Kemp (a highly successful guitar maker whose instruments are sold and played all over the world).

List of timbers in The Timber Buyers Guide:

American Black Walnut, American Cherry, American White Oak, Antarctic Beech, Australian Blackwood, Australian Red Cedar, Black Bean, Bolly Gum, Bolly Silkwood, Brazilian Rosewood, Brigalow, Bubinga, Celery Top Pine, Cerejeira, Coachwood, Douglas Fir, East Indian Kauri, European Beech, Forest Oak, Goncalo Alves, Hoop Pine, Huon Pine, Iroko, Jarrah, Jelutong, Kwila, Lignum Vitae, Macassar Ebony, Maracaibo Boxwood, Meranti, Miva Mahogany, Mountain Ash, Mulga, Myrtle Beech, New Guinea Rosewood, NSW Scented Rosewood, New Zealand Silver Beech, Nyatoh, Peroba Rosa, Purpleheart, Queensland Maple, Queensland Silky Oak, Queensland Walnut, Radiata Pine, Red Mahogany, River Red Gum, Rock Maple, Rose Alder, Sapele, Silver Ash, Sitka Spruce, South Amnerican Cedar, Southern & Backhearted Sassafras, Sydney Blue Gum, Tallowwood, Teak, WA Sheoak, Wenge, Western Red Cedar, White Cyress Pine, White Hazelwood, Yellow Carabeen, Zebrano.

Features listed for each timber are:

Botanical Name
Other Common Names
Tree Description
Grain and Texture
Working Properties

The original edition of the Timber Buyers Guide contains 63 of Australia’s most commonly purchased timbers.
The current price for the guide includes ring binder.

There are currently also FIVE ADDITIONS available to add to the Guide, each sold separately for $11 – see separate listings.

SKU: TBG_1 Category:
The Australian Timber Buyer's Guide