AWW Issue 213 September/October 2020


Table of Contents


The Addiction of Spoon Carving
by Sophie Heard of Sophie’s Spoons
After making furniture Sophie found spoon carving and hasn’t stopped since. She explains why this field of woodworking has become so popular — spoonies have their own classes and festivals.

Buying a Workbench
by James Shadbolt, Workbench World
Since taking over Workbench World, James has learnt a lot about clients’ requirements when purchasing a new or replacement workbench. While there is a demand for a basic style, he notes that a workbench can and should be tailored to your woodworking interests.

The Shedding Community Workshop
by Sophie Wilksch
Based in Mullumbimby the Shedding Community Workshop runs a number of workshops ranging from an introduction to woodworking tools to furniture making and building construction.

Club Drumbeat
City of Stirling Community Men’s Shed (WA) is so popular there is a waiting list for new members, the Cambridge Woodturners Club (NZ) held its first meetings with no provision for lathes and the Morpeth Men’s Shed Inc (NSW) began as an outreach of the Morpeth Uniting Church.

Review and Discussion of The Lathe Book by Ernie Conover
by Mike Darlow
Giving a favourable review of Conover’s latest book, Mike explores some of the more controversial topics raised in the book.

The Games People Play
The title refers to a public sculpture commissioned from the Blue Mountains Woodturners Inc for display in front of the Braemar Gallery, Springwood (NSW). It is the latest in a series of successful artistic sculptures by the Club.

Built from matchsticks over a 650 hour period, Hamish Penn’s model of a VK Commodore is a testament to the strong stepfather/stepson bond forged by working on a real VC Commodore.


Wooden Puzzle 5b Introduction — Scroll Sawn Double Cross
by Eric Lysaght and Richard Collins

Chess in the Round
by Heinz Haselroither
Having made many square chess boxes, Heinz undertakes his first round chess box with a storage drawer for the chess pieces.

Light Frame for a Glass Leadlight
by John Swinkels
A light frame is an ideal method for displaying a leadlight panel. Fitted with a translucent panel it can also be used for hobby applications. The development of DIY LED strips eliminates the need for the services of an electrician.

Marketwares #38 — A Mug Tree
by Alex Banter
Unlike many mug tree designs this one does not require the use of a woodlathe.

Slowly Does It
by Mike Darlow
Mike reflects on what is involved in choosing the best lathe speed for a specific task.

Notes on Woodturning Part 54 — Turning a Toy Flying Saucer
by John Ewart
As a woodturner your young children or grandchildren may not be impressed with your bowls and candlesticks, but they will be interested in your toymaking abilities. John makes a flying saucer with provision for adding plastic figures as a toy for his grandchildren.

Offset Bud Vase and Ring Holder
by Bob Aitken
Employing the Axminster Eccentric Spiralling Chuck now available in Australia, Bob turns an offset bud vase, adding pegs for rings and bracelets.

Wooden Puzzle 5a — Double Cross
by Richard Collins
Richard enlarges on his Single Cross Puzzle in recent issues with a Double Cross Puzzle with twice the arms. The operation to lock and unlock the arms is similar to that for the Single Cross, but the extra arms required a redesign of the puzzle’s inner workings. As with the Single Cross, a scrollsaw version by Eric Lysaght will appear in the next issue (see preview p.7).

Rocca Calascio (Pyrography)
by Carolyn McCully
Carolyn converts a photograph of Rocca Calascio, a well-known fortress in the Apennine Mountains in Italy, into pyrography. If you like burning stones and rocks, you will love this pattern. As Carolyn explains, you don’t have to detail every rock. Providing variety in the markings and highlighting some areas while giving only the suggestion of stonework in others is the key to a realistic look to your burnt image.

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AWW Issue 213 September/October 2020
AWW Issue 213 September/October 2020