AWW Issue 207 September-October 2019


Table of Contents


Woodwork for Women’s Silver Anniversary
by Patt Gregory
A private detective turned carpenter/joiner turned woodworking teacher, Patt Gregory celebrates 25 years of her Mullumbimby business, Woodwork for Women, set up to teach woodworking to women.

Club Drumbeat
Ipswich Woodcrafts Club Inc (QLD) seeks a bigger Clubhouse, preferably above local flood levels, members of the Sydney Northern Beaches Woodturners Inc (NSW) meet under the Jacarandah tree and the Yass Valley Men’s Shed Inc is the local supplier of timber signs with hand routed wording.

Rob Barclay presents two of his boxes. One is a traditional artist’s box with storage for five completed A3 canvas boards, brushes, 30 paint colours and other painting supplies. The other is a modern interpretation of a drawing box, including a charging station for a smartphone and storage for USB sticks and camera memory cards.

USER REPORT – Lumber Wizard
by Alan Browne
Alan reports on the latest version of the Lumber Wizard which can detect metals such as steel, stainless steel, zinc, magnesium and aluminium in wood, prior to planing or thicknessing. This model features auto tuning, saving time and eliminating the need for tedious adjustments, while increasing reliability and accuracy.

Working with Livos Finishes
Marketed as a healthier alternative to synthetic coatings, Livos products have become popular among professional woodworkers for their performance. David Mac Laren and Benjamin Redden discuss why they prefer to use these finishes on their work.

Table Saws
Another in our occasional series of survey articles, this time we look at the function of the table saw, its important features and a listing of most of the models currently available in Australia together with their specifications. The article covers machines from benchtop and contractor saws up to cabinet and sliding table models.


Add Some Zip to Your Turning – Zippered Vases and Bowls
by Bob Aitken
Bob details his method for making turned vases and bowls with one or two zippers, as well as lace-up and laced forms. This is precision work but the results are worth the time and effort.

Small Turning Tools
by Mike Darlow
Mike discusses the requirements for small turning tools such as chisels, parting tools and gouges. Of these, gouges present the greatest challenge to producing an effective cutting tool to suit small scale turning.

Notes on Woodturning Part 48 – Turning a Tiered Stand with Long Pin and Socket Joints
by John Ewart
The secret to a well constructed whatnot or traditional tiered stand is the concealed long pin and socket joints which give the item much greater rigidity than shallow stopped holes. John turns a tiered stand using this method.

CNC Carving of a Clock Face
by Geoff Roy
Combining the capabilities of CNC routing with downloadable 3D models from the Internet enables you to produce complex carved items without the requirement to acquire and develop special skills to a high level.

Pink Gum Bandsawn Box
by Bob Dean
Most bandsawn boxes are made from dressed timber or cut to shape on a bandsaw. Bob decided to convert a length of branch to a box, leaving the natural bark of the Pink Gum in place.

Reversible Whale Necklace
by Carolyn McCully
Carolyn’s project this issue is a jewellery item. Challenges with the necklace included preparing a design to suit the curve of the wooden beads, transferring the pattern onto multiple workpieces and burning the small surfaces.

Wooden Wire-spoked Wheels and Axle Nuts
by Chris Coates
A prominent feature of Chris’ model of a 1930 Bentley Blower featured in the last Issue (AWW #206) was the wooden wire-spoked wheels. They are an essential detail for many automobiles of the era, but their construction in wood is not simple. Chris describes his method in detail.

Wooden Puzzle 1b
by Richard Collins
Having presented his wooden puzzle in the last Issue (AWW #206) Richard describes its operation and how to make it on a router table. In AWW #208 he and Eric Lysaght will detail how the same puzzle can be made on the scroll saw instead.

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AWW Issue 207 September-October 2019
AWW Issue 207 September-October 2019